Friday, December 5, 2008

Ovarian Cancer Research: Two Steps Forward and One Step Back?

It has not been a good week for ovarian cancer news. Here’s what I’ve read in the last 48 hours ………

Article one: Following a two-year study, researchers at John Hopkins’ have determined that ascites, a fluid that may be present in ovarian cancer cases, is capable of suppressing the T cells of the immune system, leaving the cancer free to roam and spread freely.

Article two: Researchers have admitted to erring in the study of ovarian cancer. It appears that they have lumped all ovarian cancers together when, in actuality, each form of ovarian cancer should have been studied individually. Given that there is such a broad range of ovarian cancer types, shouldn’t that have been the first variable considered?

These news releases are not exactly what I have been waiting to hear. Breakthroughs, miracle cures, magic pills; these are things that I want to read about. You know, like those miracle diet pills that were promoted years ago, where you take one pill and wake up slimmer! Well, I want one where I take a pill and wake up cancer free!

Okay, I’m not really that unrealistic. And I’m sure that somewhere there are amazing advancements being made in the fight against ovarian cancer.

But in my world, this is what I saw this week.

On the flip side, I purchased the second “Crazy Sexy Cancer” book and although I haven’t had time to just sit and read, I’ve taken a quick tour of the book and it looks like it’s as cool as the first one. I’ll blog more about it when I have a chance.

On a more humbling note, I found a reference on another blog (which unfortunately I forgot to bookmark) that included a statement that really hit home and utilizes the five stages of grief – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. It went something like this:

“If I were given only five weeks to live, I could spend one week on each stage of grief with the final week being one of acceptance. Or, I could just skip the first four stages, accept my fate, and enjoy all five weeks!” (I will identify the author and post a connection to this blog when I find it again.)

Words to live by!!

Until next time …..

~ B-Optimistic ~

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