Saturday, November 26, 2016

GCT - The Saga Continues

Well, it became official a few weeks ago - following confirmation from a CT Scan - that I am once again facing a GCT recurrence. I went 4 years this time before the tell-tale pain in my side hit, but I was thrown off a bit because there had been no other cues - no persistent cough, no loss of appetite, no common symptoms at all. The pain lasted only long enough for me to make the decision to seek out medical attention, but has been absent since that time. So, for the past couple of months, I have lived life as usual, with nothing to slow me down. But the verdict is in, it is there, and it must come out.

I saw my Oncologist in Halifax, N.S. this past Thursday. We discussed the potential complications that could transpire with surgery - nothing different from previous pre-surgery discussions - but with each subsequent surgery, the risks do become magnified. I could have chosen the option to wait and watch, but in my mind that just increased the risks for when the time came that I did have to have the surgery. So onward we go!

Christmas this year will be spent either in hospital or at home recuperating from surgery, but that is fine. And this year my list to Santa is just a little different. Rather than asking him to bring me something, I am asking him to take something away!! Won't he be surprised! HOHOHO

Until next time ....
~ BOptimistic (in spite of it all) ~

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