There has been a lot of fun and festivity in my life over the past several months. Of course with Christmas and young grandchildren, there is always much joy in the Christmas season. They do grow up too fast though and I dread the stage in their lives when they no longer believe in Santa. We love seeing the looks on their faces when they open their presents on Christmas morning. I sometimes wonder if we’ll be around to witness that same look of wonderment on the faces of our great grandchildren? Sure, why not? Be optimistic, right?? Haha
Retirement has finally arrived for my husband and it isn’t half as bad as I thought it would be having someone else around the house all day. However, it’s only been a couple of weeks … I’ll check back with you in a couple of months! But seriously, I find that I am enjoying the company. I didn’t realize how much I have been talking to myself since Rocky (my dog and right hand guy) hasn't been here to listen to me; I also hadn’t realized how lonely it was without my canine’s company until I had human company. So it really is nice to have a distraction once in awhile.
Hubby and I are both anxiously waiting for dry roads and free time to cruise “topless” whenever the urge strikes. I’m sure there will be no road untraveled! Winter here on the east coast has been amazing this year, with just enough snow for the outdoor enthusiasts, but clear roads for the travelers. I can almost smell spring in the air!
I’m still researching the art of book writing. Wow, there certainly is a lot to learn and lots to know! I think it’s time now to put what I’ve learned into practice. Wish me luck! I probably don’t know what I’m getting into ……
And on that note, it’s a gorgeous sunny day here in my hometown and perfect lighting to start a new painting. So it’s time to get moving. So much to do ... so much fun to be had!
Until next time . . . .
~ B-Optimistic ~