Saturday, September 22, 2012


Well, it’s down to the wire now and I’m starting to feel the anxiety levels rise. I’ve actually done quite well over the past couple of weeks, but the thought of only one more sleep is making me a bit antsy. What I wouldn’t give right now to wake up and realize that it is all a bad dream. But it’s not …..

I’m not really sure how to describe the emotional roller coaster I’m on right now. Of course the main emotion is fear, a sensation that touches every part of my being now and even more so over the next few days. My list includes the …….
Fear that I will be up too late tonight getting ready and not get enough sleep.
Fear that I will oversleep in the morning and have to rush around to get out the door on time.
Fear that I won’t have an appetite and not be able to stop along the highway somewhere for a late breakfast or an early lunch before I am faced with the prospect of eating hospital food.
Fear that I will wind up on a 3-day diet of ice chips like last time – which made the hospital food look very appealing!
Fear that I will be late for check-in on the 5th Floor of the VG Hospital.
Fear that something will happen to the reservations at Point Pleasant Lodge and I won’t be with Willie when he checks in to straighten it all out.
Fear that there won’t be a parking place at the back of the Lodge for Willie to park the car off of the streets of Halifax.
Fear that something will happen to the boys when they travel down tomorrow night.
Fear that my surgery, which is scheduled for 2 o’clock, will be delayed and I will have to wait even longer than planned.
Fear that Dr. Bentley will find more than he bargained for when he goes in.
Fear that I will come out of surgery with more complications than expected.
Fear that I won’t come out of surgery.
Fear that I will pick up some bug at the hospital and end up sicker than I should be.
And oh so many more fears that I could fill this page and the next ………

But I have to end the list here and go pack my bag for the journey to end the fear of forgetting something. :-) Hopefully my next post will be a bit less dismal with a lot more hopes than fears.

Until next time …..
~BOptimistic ~