Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Procrastination ...... What if There is No Tomorrow??

Have you ever wanted to do something so intensely that you eat it, breathe it, and sleep it? But then never get it done because .... Well, because of a fear of failure, a fear of the unknown, a fear of rejection, or perhaps a fear of (fill in the blank).

That’s me. I’m putting my dreams off - again. I have wanted to write for as long as I can remember; any kind of book – children’s book, cookbook, murder mystery. I even thought of writing one of those raunchy romance novels!!

I always seem to do all the research, read the “how-to” books, get myself all geared up, and then sizzle .... The fire goes out.

I know there’s a book or two in there. They have to come out. OK, there’s a little déjà-vu going on right here, right now! I said the same thing with the cancer and with my two pregnancies. Hmmmm .... I’m starting to sense a theme ....

So stay tuned. I am going to purge these ideas that are churning inside and fulfill that desire, once and for all!! Now, where did I leave my notebook?

Until next time .....
~ B-Optimistic ~

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