Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy Ramblings .......

I just realized yesterday that I forgot to make an appointment with my doctor for my 3-month check up! Guess that’s a sign that cancer is not at the forefront of my thoughts, right?

Winter has been dragging it’s feet here on the east coast. It’s now nearing the end of March and we still have several feet of snow in my neck of the woods. That means a lot of melting must occur before the tiny blades of grass can get the sunshine needed to flourish. Every day I see a difference, but it’s been too cold to melt quickly … which is a good thing for those living by water’s edge because it will reduce the risk of floods! Check out a few photos of last year's flood.

But today the temperature is going to 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees F)!! Not only is that a good thing for the reduction of snow, but the maple syrup producers will be very, very happy since this is the perfect weather to encourage the sap to flow freely!

So, for today, I’ll keep this brief so that I can get ready to head outside and enjoy our first east coast tropical heat wave of the season!!

Remember to keep smiling and …….
~ BOptimistic ~

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