Well, the surgery date is coming quickly. But given the speed
that this summer has flown past, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised! Can you
believe that September is half over already? The surprising thing here on the
east coast of Canada is that the leaves have just started turning to the
wondrous shades of rust, orange, yellow, burgundy, and a few lingering greens
over the past week or so. Normally, the fall colours start providing wonderful
fodder for photos by the end of August. I’m not complaining … just hoping that
I will improve quickly from surgery in time for my annual fall colour cruise
somewhere in our beautiful province!! Perhaps I won’t get as far this year, but
we do not have to travel great distances to enjoy the vibrant art creations of Mother
Nature. I’m hoping she takes her good old time getting her brushes ready this
I’m starting to get a bit antsy, but more about the travel
down to Halifax on Sunday morning and making sure we get there in time for check
in. It will be an early morning departure, for sure since check in time is 1 o’clock
and the drive is 4 ½ hours. Surprisingly, I’m looking forward to having surgery
this time. Well, I’m pretty sure you know what I mean when I say that. I would
definitely rather be doing something else altogether! lol But this recurrence
is different – more frightening – than the other three and the thought of going
through another painful episode has me totally paranoid.
There is a great deal of difference in the type of
discomfort I am experiencing. The tumour is located in a higher position – just
under the rib – and it is making it more difficult for me to forget that I
actually have cancer … something I was almost able to do in previous
recurrences. This guy is definitely making certain that I don’t forget, especially
if I sit up for too long! That’s when the discomfort – and sometimes a sharp
feeling – radiates around to the back, much like a muscle ache.
So, bring it on, I say. But make this last week long enough
that I get all of those little things done that I have on my list!! And
hopefully grab a few more of those grandkid cuddles before the weekend. ;-)
Until next time …..
~ B-Optimistic ~
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